速報APP / 娛樂 / War Sounds - SoundBox

War Sounds - SoundBox



檔案大小:52.4 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


War Sounds - SoundBox(圖1)-速報App

Welcome to the Ultimate Sound FX experience!

"War Sounds" is the perfect app for Sound Effects enthusiast.

Featuring our unique Smart Multitrack system, you will be able to create a complete soundtrack, with environment and dozens of war and misc sounds.

With over 100 sounds, you will be able to create the most amazing battles ever. Orchestras, environments, explosions, gun sounds, including gun shots and reloads, radio calls, morse code, and much, much more.

• Environments:

   » Choose 10 creepy environments, including:

   » Jungle

   » Mystery

   » Misty

   » Spooky Night

   » Rain

• Misc:

   » Carrier

War Sounds - SoundBox(圖2)-速報App

   » Civil War Bugle

   » Helicopter

   » Jet

   » Sirens

   » Trombone

• Orchestras:

   » Over 40 loops from 19 different themes:

   » Epic

   » Fields of Honor

   » Inception

   » Infiltrator

   » Treasure Island

• Morse Code:

War Sounds - SoundBox(圖3)-速報App

   » Alert

   » SOS

• Radio Calls:

   » 30 Sounds

   » Fix on that Position!

   » Lock and Load!

   » Take Cover

   » Eagle One

• Soldier Lines

   » 9 Sounds

   » Circle the Perimeter

   » Enemy Fire

   » Get Down!

War Sounds - SoundBox(圖4)-速報App

Disclaimer: This app is for entertainment use only. For more information visit InfinityOneStudio.com/Legal.

War Sounds - SoundBox(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad